Monday, September 19, 2011

Panthers Love Donuts!

Powdered donuts were at the center of our math lesson today, as we learned to solve equations using the Order of Operations rule.  I don't have an "Aunt Sally" so that mnemonic device never made much sense to me, so I taught my students a new one with a twist on one from Mrs. Trudy Louden.  To remember PEMDAS (parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction) we learned "Panthers Eagerly Munch Donuts At School".  And we munched eagerly while we worked! 

Try this one:
(8*2)/4 + (10*5) = _______

I am currently reading...

Please summarize the book you are currently reading.  Be sure to include title, author, story elements (character, setting, plot), inferences, predictions, or other information you think your classmates would find interesting.  This is an excellent way to spread the word about books your classmates might like to read. 

Welcome to our class blog!

We have had such a busy beginning to our school year, this is the first chance we have had to blog! I am so excited to have our weblog up and running.  We now have another method of communicating and sharing our news, thoughts, and work.  This website is for Mrs. Catt's class, peers, parents, and interested community members.  Please check back regularly and feel free to leave us comments, questions, or ideas.

To my students, please sign your posts by using only your initials or the username you chose in class.  This will keep your comments and posts confidential and safe. 

Mrs. Catt